“First” course suggestions for non-CS background?
So I say “first course” because I’ve actually attempted two courses since being admitted in 2020. First course attempted was GIOS. I had no prior C experience but found the course to be super interesting. I felt like I was doing ok but ended up withdrawing because of the stress of a job change. I had to spent a lot of time learning C but felt it was manageable.
The second course, thinking I needed something “easier” my next attempt, was CN. Also ended up withdrawing due to a death in the family and a layoff scare at work that had me needing to put in a lot of OT to avoid being canned.
My background is in avionics hardware dev. Non-CS degree, though I had an intro and intermediate programming class in my undergrad that I did well in. That said, it was over 10 years ago.
TL;DR here is that I’m looking for course suggestions with a non-CS and very novice programming background. I’m thinking SDP is the way to go if I can get in but would love additional suggestions.