Best advice for a clear start?

hello everyone

this is my 1037364 attempt to land my brain on a digital system. It seems Obsidian is the right tool for an open organization and mental benefits, but the whole app and options scare me a little bit tbh.

I've been always a paper writer. Since years I'm journaling every morning 3 pages of stream of consciousness, and multiple short notes through several small journals, random papers or sticky notes. Digital notes never became something I'll revisit again.

As I'm growing older (26) and collecting life experiences, I feel there's more external voices and influences on my head, and less focus and confidence with my own mind. In other words; I feel I've lost part of my authentic self. I'd like to recover my identity and lay down my foundations again, free of "external pollution", and I thought building an ecosystem with Obsidian could help me tap into my soul.

But as I said, I've seen online Obsidian can be a bit of a rabbit hole and I've already spent a lot of useless time on toxic productivity and influencers about Notion. I'd like to avoid falling once again onto this traps, and with the help of everyone here understand my options and design my system.

I'm a musician and sound artist who likes to work conceptually from emotions, philosophy, myths or theory. I research a lot. I learn a lot. I listen to a lot of mentors for inspiration and workflow. I read a lot for self improvement and mental clarity, shadow work, psycology.

I was now watching a video about MOCs but i got overwhelmed, stoped and came here for advice on first steps. I don't know how to treat notes, folders, subfolders, vaults... Thank you in advance

EDIT: Some of you (and thank you) are saying to me to keep with paper if that's already inbrained. I forgot to add that my creative work is made with digital tools and software. Most of the content I consume is digital as well. And there's this wish to have some sort of a public digital garden (an extended portfolio-website let's say) where I could share kowledge with the other's, tracking my own education. Basically I spend a lot of time on a screen, so Obsidian just seemed a more effective organization tool when it comes to actual short notes (not journaling) and the chance of connecting them...