Noda, a VR mindmapping tool, recently added a Desktop Viewer
...and what a gamechanger this is! When I tried out Noda months ago, I was intrigued, but disappointed that I can't see my mindmaps on desktop. If I want to map out and outline my stories, I want a way to see it side by side with my doc file.
Well, the dev recently added an update where you can now see your mindmaps/outlines on desktop. How it works is that you send a link from Noda to your email, and the email will have the CSV file and Link to your mind map. The Desktop Viewer doesn't have any editing capabilities, which is fine since maneuvering in 3D space in 2D is iffy anyways.
Anyway, here are some sample vids on this awesome thing:
Outside Noda VR, but still inside VR
Outside Noda VR, and outside VR
The text is occluded, however, in desktop view. But the dev is working on fixing that, of course.