They’re Trying to Make Me Quit this Game. Controller Support or Not?

Flair: Should be Bug but no option for that.

This game already has issues when it comes to controller support, especially throughout the numerous menu sections. There’s also the issue when trying to withdraw items from certain facilities (brewing barrel, meat rack, etc.) that many have already mentioned/posted about. I’ve dealt with all these issues by switching (Xbox controller) over to mouse/keyboard when needed. But with each update, they keep adding more issues, and for me, it’s becoming too much.

I’ve researched for solutions and I’ve tested with default controller settings and Steam controller input settings with no luck. I’m open to suggestions.

Bear Livestock Pic: Am I supposed to use X to see Details or to Customize Quickbar? Crafting Workbench Pic (Most recent issue with recent update): Am I supposed to use B to Claim All or to go Back?