Oda could to do the funniest thing ever:

In the recent SBS, Oda has finally revealed the identity of the unknown Kuja Empress of Amazon Lily that proceeded Hancock, her name being stated to be 𝐓𝐨đĢđĸ𝐭𝐨đĻ𝐚, Oda in this SBS also reiterates how she just like the other Empresses caught love sickness, a disease which eventually killed her.

Oda in this SBS doesn't state or even allude to the identity of the man who Toritoma got the love sickness for, some speculate Dragon or even Kaido but I don't think those ideas are as likely, I think we can speculate the possibly candidates by guess-timating Toritoma's age, since her crush might've been in the same age bracket as her.

Shakky stated that she was a pirate over 40 years ago, obviously referencing when she was the default leader of the Kuja Pirates back when she was Kuja Empress, we know 22 years ago she had already retired and opened her bar with Rayleigh, with her and Rayleigh probably meeting post the Roger Pirates disbandment, so based on that we can in turn estimate that Shakky probably retired between 25 - 22 years ago and Toritoma took her place as Empress.

Toritoma seemingly died two years after Boa returned to Amazon Lily 13 years ago when she was 16 years old after being kidnapped by the Celestial Dragons, I say that because Gloriosa mentioned that Boa became Empress at 18 years old, meaning Toritama probably ruled for 9 - 12 years, if we say she was in her early 20s when she first became Empress then it'd mean she was her mid to late 30s when she died.

All this suggest that her crush probably is someone within the middle generation, people like Shanks, Mihawk, Buggy, Crocodile etc being the possible contenders for the one Toritoma fell in love with, however the one I'm here to argue about is the genius jester Buggy the Star Clown, it'd be an absolute hilarious development if the one Toritoma fell for was none other than our beloved clown, not only would this add to Buggy's trend of accidental grandeur, but it'd also be yet another parallel to Luffy, where both of them made Kuja Empresses fall for them.

Not to mention the overall idea would just be comedy gold, the fact that the elegant and prideful royal monarch of the powerful military kingdom of women died because of she was passionately in love with a clown.