How to escape the one trick?
Managed to stumble up to diamond essentially one tricking juno, she’s good in a majority of comps/situations but there are times I feel that I need to switch to get more value. I would like to learn ana, bap or brig. However I don’t feel like I can get better with them because.
Playing in QP: I am very aware of how these characters work fundamentally and how to use their abilities, QP feels so different from comp that I don’t feel like I’m learning to master a hero there.
Playing in Comp: on the other side, if I switch off juno in comp I’m aware im not playing on the level of my juno and my teammates and don’t want to tank my rank and the rank of my team just to be a better Ana or brig.
I feel shackled to Juno, and while it’s mostly done me fine I would like to have more heroes in my belt without it feeling so punishing