How is better to play with new Bionics, bionic only or combining with dupes?
I also noticed something and is that the somnium synthesizer dream journals can apparently only be used by regular dupes. So I tought, what if you start the game with a few regular dupes and at the point between 6-8 go to bionics and then just let the old organic fleshlings sleep their entire lifes after setting up the infrastructure for strong power system to eventually keep just bionics, wich seem a lot easier to specialize. I normally struggle a lot in vanilla (otherwise you can just use DGSM, but Idk how to feel about the difficulty of the game) to get a strong dupe in each task as I normally like to keep for example a dupe that just cooks (makes sense doesn't it) since its gonna be its highest skill, as well as keeping a healthy ratio of different skills as personally don't see fit to have for example more than 1 decorator o 1 doctor since they are tasks that you don't use very often, and maybe have more builders. Bionics can pretty much aside of the small -3 in 2 skills, become the perfect worker in each situation you like.
Also last time I was struggling to get the eco power banks running before I was running out of batteries and making single use one, issue that can be solved by just making regular dupes make the job.