Quitting PA school

I'm in my second quarter of PA school and my mental health is not doing very well and I'm seriously thinking about quiting. I did really well first quarter and have a 4.0 GPA but this quarter the content doubled and I have been struggling and it has taken a toll on my mental health and I'm not even 2 weeks in. I keep crying, even mid class. I'm a slow studier and even though I take so long to study I still don't retain most of the information and need even more time to go over it. I believe I did well last quarter because the content was much lower, but I feel like this is my limit. I am extremely depressed and I'm already on SSRIs and ADHD medication. I feel like if I'm already feeling like this in Q2, I should just quit now before I compile even more loans and and end up leaving anyways. Yes I enjoy medicine, my whole life has been geared towards this. I'm thinking about going back to being an ortho tech where I really enjoyed my job and didn't have so much stree. I don't even know what the purpose of this post is but I feel like I'm suffocating and I don't want to regret quitting but when I think about doing it I feel extremely relieved.