Home IPL changed my life

I’m 35 and I’ve been suffering from PCOS for as long as I can remember. I remembering having thick black hair on my legs as a kid and through my teens into my early thirties I have had a hard time with my body hair. Idk if any of you can relate, but my leg hair and bikini area ( chin mustache arms etc was bad too ) have such thick hair that it’s painful to shave more than twice a week. And because the hair grew dark and quick, I had to deal with covering myself until my skin could handle shaving again. Fast forward to now when I decided to give home IPL a chance ( did not try it at a salon ) and I’m floored with my results. I used to have red bumps on my skin from shaving and I am smooth with clear skin. If you are able to save up for an IPL, try it, or split it with a friend. This is something I wish I had when I was younger and it would have saved me a ton of self esteem hits ♥️ Edit: I was asked what device I have and it’s Braun iSkin