What’s something unexpected that you do now since being diagnosed with a chronic illness

I’m bored and want to have a lighthearted discussion so… What are some unexpected changes to your life or personality that came on since pots/chronic illness came into your life?

  1. I am not uncomfortable taking my shirt off in medical situations anymore due to the amount of EKGs I’ve had done on short notice🤷‍♀️🍈

(Once I forgot that I needed to have a gown over me while I take off my shirt and almost made everyone in the room be put into an awkward situation… )

  1. I am much more aware of people around me now, I understand that everybody is always going through something and that I can’t have expectations because I don’t know what anyone’s limits are

  2. I actually enjoy drinking Gatorade… I used to get so sick of the salty taste but now I crave it because I know how much it will help me…