We all keep talking about the best cards, but what do you think is the actual worst card available right now?

My money is on Swanna. 3 energy to attack (colorless energy, but why would you ever splash Swanna anywhere lol), only 90 HP, and its attack is a pitiful 70, not remotely worth the energy cost.

On top of that, Ducklett sucks too, needing 2 energy to attack for 30 and having only 50 HP. This thing will never get an attack off before something KOs it.

As a bonus, I'll also say that Stonjourner is the worst card in MI specifically. It's just a slightly stronger Onix but without Brock support, meaning it's far too slow to be worth the investment into. At least Onix actually had a moment in the spotlight just prior to MI dropping; I don't see any similar kind of renaissance happening for Stonjourner.