After 300 hours, this instantly made me stop playing

The "end game" of this game is, and will always be decorating your plot. It's where you can show off your accomplishments and your creativity.

That being said, the plot limit being as low as 3000 is completely absurd. Specially after they introduced pathing and made it count for the limit.

Getting that "Housing Plot is full!" pop-up came as such a horrifying surprise, because my plot isn't even that full.
Since I never wanted more than one plot, I was faced with the only option: Destroy what I've already created. Which defeats the whole purpose of the game.

I understand why the limit is there specially having in mind we're sharing the game with Nintendo users, but it's just not enough. Either pathing and flowers need to have a separate limit, or they need to up the limit way more.

What do you guys think? Did you feel affected by this yet?

Edit: This is what my plot looks like, in case someone is curious.