Difficulties with IV line

Not sure If I'm allowed to ask this here but I figured bet EMTs have enough experiences with this why not ask them!

English isn't my first language I'll do my best to explain the trouble I'm facing.

In the last 5 years I had 3 surgeries. Each and every time I get rather nervous, my palms get sweaty and my hands get cold.

And when I'm nervous the veins in my arms have the annoying habit of playing hide and seek. Also I've been told that my veins roll very easy and are rather elastic for my age (33) As a result they always have much difficulty with it, If they succeed within 5 tries I consider myself lucky. It stresses me out every time which makes things worse.

The last time was the worst of them all it involved a SEH(ER) team, didn't succeed after that someone of the IC team gave it a try and also didn't succeed. Eventually they called in VAS (vascular access) which luckily did succeed.

All in in all it wasn't a enjoyable experience for me. It stressed me out badly. I'm not afraid of going into surgery again but I am afraid of the trouble of getting a IV line into me.

Now my question is, are there tips/tricks for people like me? Whom are notorious difficult to inject (due to fear and the body's reaction to it) Practical tips / things I can do? Or tips I could give to the person trying to access a vein of mine.

I'm pretty sure I'll end up in surgery again one day and I wish to make it a more easy less stressful experience for me and the one trying to put a IV line into me.

Might be relevant to tell, I don't use drugs. I don't use alcohol. I don't use any medication. On a normal day my veins are clearly visible.