Help and maybe advice, interested in becoming a paramedic.

Hey all, I am not an avid Reddit user but I figured I would ask around. I am just about to graduate highschool and am seriously interested in becoming a paramedic, unfortunately I have absolutely no experience in this field I have done art and theater for as long as I can remember. But it is something that I am heavily considering. So I am just asking for advice, anything how to get started, what is it like, personal experience, even just if that is something I would be able to do. I am relatively short 5’2 but muscular working on building more strength, I stage manage and am used to busy stressful situations naturally nothing of this caliber though. Anything is appreciated I would really appreciate real advice everyone else I ask just tells me to go for it and I feel like it’s because people will always encourage you to do something in the medical industry with little to no consideration for if it’s is actually the right fit. Thankyou!!