Need help understanding my possible ghost encounter

I don't remember any of this but my parents and sisters reminded me of the story often. When I was about 3 years old I lived in Atenas, Costa Rica. It's a short story and haven't been able to find anything relevant or similar but it goes as follows: I would often (almost everyday) wake up in the middle of the night and start screaming and crying. As my parents would come to see what's wrong I would cover my eyes and point to the corner of the ceiling, yelling "it's teek!". It would always be the same corner and I would always say it's teek. My mom thinks that I called whatever it was teek because I would mispronounce the word tico/tica, a word used to describe a person from Costa Rica, similarly to how gringo was used for Americans. I am American and we only lived there for a few years before we came back to the US. After we moved out of that house I never mentioned whatever that was again, and like I said at the beginning I don't even remember it since I was so young.