Why is bedtime so hard!!

It’s been 3 hours, I put my 4 kids to bed 3 hours ago and only the oldest one is asleep (he’s 11) the younger 3 (ages 8,6 & 4) have came out of their rooms multiple times, have kept playing in their rooms or messing with each other, it’s literally exhausting because even when I put my kids to bed I still don’t get any me time, and the crazy thing is we have all been up since 6 this morning. They do have a tv show on and maybe that’s my problem but I started it with them years ago and they will freak out if I turn it off I’m just so exhausted this has been years and it don’t seem to be getting better

Edit to add- I always lay them down between 8-8:30 and no one really falls asleep until between 11-midnight then we turn around and wake up around 5-6am