Toddler gets upset when my husband and I hug, talk, etc
My toddler is 2 and when her dad gets home from work, he usually greets us all with a little hug and gives me a peck on the cheek or lips and we get on with the evening. Or try to. Lately, if my husband and I hug, talk, even if I just put my hand on his arm if we are sitting on the couch my toddler gets pissed. She will start throwing things, crying, look at us for a reaction and it's just so sad to me. My husband and I aren't really super touchy at all, so I'm like idk why it bothers her so much, but I just want to navigate this the best way possible. Should we just stop hugging/touching? I mean she even gets upset when we talk sometimes, sol I really don't know! Any one else experience this?