Please help - no sleep
5 months in and he’s pushing us to exhaustion.
He won’t sleep. He usually naps well through the day after we take him out in his pram. But get to bed time and it’s impossible.
Usually we can get him to sleep around 8pm but it doesn’t last. He wakes up screaming after about half an hour and after that he’s inconsolable until around 11/ 12 at night.
Usually the only way he’ll sleep is if we give him some baby paracetamol (he seems to be teething) and bring him into my bed, as he’ll wake up as soon he’s put in his bed side bassinet, and he’ll ‘nurse until he falls asleep. But I hate bed sharing.
I’m terrified of SIDS, we don’t have barriers on the sides of the bed to prevent him rolling off and when I wake up I’m broken in the neck and back from sleeping in a bad position and getting a terrible amount of sleep. I’m usually freezing cold because I can’t have my blanket over me, and he snacks all through the night.
Today I’ve been feeling sick with a cold and tonight he’s especially fussy. He got him to lie beside me and he’ll fall half asleep but only with the boobs in his mouth but he won’t stay asleep and my cold starts to feel more like the flu. My whole body is aching.
I can’t stay awake all night, and he won’t go to sleep. What on earth can we do?