PC- Giveaway-
hello, ive got all weapons, all armor, all talismans, ashes runes, crafting mats etc
password 7894, leave a red sign, at this time it can also be yellow but only for +0 weapons, but beware we will be invaded if you use yellow, its a favorite invading spot for the full bull goat double antspur rapier invaders.
location elleh
very importante that you leave your in game name.
suggested format: IGN: Blue mage W: 1 stack of lord runes and 2 scavengers curved sword
what i want: after you receive your items please reply with +karma
upvotes so more people see the post.
4 items is the cap (exception to this rule is U /CurltimusPrime, you can ask as many items as you want)
BIG no no for me: "bro i need max stacks of ....." " bro drop as many of ......as you can spare" "yo can i have all items?" "hey... do you have a spare .....?", also dont dm please, i will try to do it as fast as possible
BIG thanks to people who help made this giveaway possible:
Cyber Mage
Mord Sith Agiel
traditional pilot876