What Would YOU Want to See in Iblydos?

Aelyosos, The City of Tides

I have recently started my first time playing Pathfinder, my character is a Minotaur so of course I read what I could about her people and where they come from. All Minotaurs in Golarion can trace their lineage to Iblydos, an Ancient Greece style archipelago home to mythic heroes and classic monsters!

There really isn't much info surrounding Iblydos as a location, though I would love someday for it to be the feature of a Lost Omens book or setting for an official Adventure Path. There are already several twists on things you would expect in the setting I think are great. Obviously I love the Paizo take on Minotaur society, how they are often stubbornly curious, surprisingly graceful and do not simply inhabit labyrinths, they craft them.

So if we were to ever visit/expand/give more detail to this corner of Golarion I'm curious what people would want to get out of it? I'd be thrilled to see Cyclops made an Ancestry option considering how revered they are in Iblydos, plus there is major opportunity for aquatic material.