PF1E on Foundry VTT

PF1 is still going strong! What a great game and what a great community we have.
Just the other day we got news that AoN was still supporting PF1 with some new updates to the site and then today marks a major release milestone for the PF1E system on Foundry VTT with its version 10. The volunteer devs and contributors continue to put their heart and soul into evolving the system into what I would easily consider to be, far and away, the best way to play pf1 online or in person.

If you've only played on Roll20 I'd highly recommend bugging someone you know with a Foundry license to make a pf1 server for you to test it out with or to take advantage of Foundry's 30-day refund policy period (I think they still do that, but I'm not 100% so make sure to read the fine print for yourself).

v10 patch notes for the curious