LANAP journal

I received my diagnosis a month ago, but I am sure I have had perio for a lot longer, probably years. I couldn't go to the dentist due to lack of insurance and some personal issues. My probing numbers range between 4s, 8s, 10s, my perio is pretty severe so the Periodontist scheduled me for LANAP asap.

Day 1:

Gotten the right side of my mouth today, the whole process took over 3 hours, between the LANAP and scraping. Not much pain, the injections were a bit uncomfortable and painful, especially at the top of my mouth, I teared up.

Periodontist mentioned how mobile one of my front bottom teeth are, and that we might have to extract it, I am still holding hope that after 1 year post LANAP, the mobility might improve.

The treated side of my face was swollen and numb for hours, couldn't even drink water properly. After taking a nap, I woke up feeling better. Some pain in the top half, I took the prescribed ibuprofen and antibiotics.

Diet: Just sipping on fairlife protein shakes for the first few days. Soylent tasted disgusting, so I will have to stick with fairlife for now. .

Day 2:

The left side of my mouth is done, took over 3 hours as well today. Not much pain, my mouth feels sore and swollen on the left side. I took the prescribed medication. I am overall tired and have low energy. I will try to get another nap, my pillow is elevated.

Diet: more fairlife protein shakes. (I miss hot tea 🥲)

My Periodontist scheduled a checkpoint appointment for next Wednesday.

Day 3:

The white material is forming over my gum line, so a sign of healing I hope. I have been using the medicated rinse twice a day, no brushing of course. Still going with the shakes. The left side of my face is still swollen and puffy, it's coming down slowly as the hours go. Taking my antibiotics and ibuprofen, little discomfort, no pain.

I made vegetable puree soup with minimal seasonings and it tasted so gooood, finally taking a break from the protein shakes .

Day 4-6:

My front bottom teeth are very sensitive, even to drinking water, and I wake up with pain in the morning 🥲 been taking my ibuprofen consistently, but it still hurts. I look forward to the weekly check in with my Periodontist tomorrow for post LANAP healing.

I started to eat yogurt, still on the vegetable soups for lunch/dinner. I am extremely careful to leave the food room temperature for a good 20 minutes before eating.

Weeks 2-4:

My healing is going well, I can eat almost totally normal, my teeth are VERY sensitive (which I expected), the sensitivity is slowly getting better but I can't even drink room temperature water, I have to heat it up. Infrared thermometer is a lifesaver.

During my week three checkup, periodontist said my healing is going well, except for one spot in the bottom left that's showing bone exposure, she shaved off some of that bone to encourage better healing. Now the roots are exposed on those tooths which kinda scares me tf off 😭 the pain has reduced a lot since then, the sensitivity/discomfort is so much less but I am still anxious about it. Have another checkup in a week, so we will see where it goes.

On a positive note, my gums don't bleed at all. I can brush my teeth except the area that got the bone shaving, and I have never experienced not having bleeding gums when brushing my teeth in years. My gums are less inflamed, which led to more recession but I expected that.