What are youre all-time favorite periphery solos?

i recently was listening to alot of periphery. during this i started my own ranking of periphery solos from all the albums ive listened (which is p2 onwards). i saw many album related top-lists, but none about the whole discography (i know, i didnt listen to the whole thing). from top to bottom, 1 to 5.

  • Luck as a Constant (ending solo)

just such a well rounded solo, a bit cheesy, but that does it for me.

  • Absolomb

second solo (ca. 3:20 onwards). a bit cheesy, but it fits the whole absolomb sound so well.

  • Erised (John Petruccis End solo)

again p2, again such a well and rounded up solo. nothing more to say.

  • Marigold

the first periphery song ive heard. contrary to the other solos so much more action, overall a more "fun" solo.

  • Garden in the Bones (last solo)

great groovy solo, imo one of the best flowing solo periphery made (apart from luck as a constant).

(additionally because i couldnt leave it out)

Its Only Smiles

such a banger of a solo in such a great tune, nothing more to say

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