At what point do you think Reese and Finch's relationship turned from employee to friendship?
When I hired you, I suspected you are gonna be a great employee. What I couldn't have anticipated... was that you'd become... such a good friend
It's very clear that in the early episodes, their relationship is strictly business-like, to the extent that Reese is still distrusting of Finch and trying to do recon on him. Later on though, we all know what happens :)
I personally think some highlights include when Finch was high on drugs, he was in a talkative mood and even offered to answer questions Reese had, and he didn't take advantage of that. Another obvious one is when Finch is kidnapped by Root and Reese does whatever it takes to get him back. Thoughts?
Bonus question: How about Fusco? When John is taken to Rikers, you can tell Fusco is genuinely concerned and even calls him "John" rather than the usual "Wonder Boy" or some other hilarious nickname lol