Signed a car loan contract over phone/email…dealer lied about income… how screwed am I

I signed for a 2019 jeep Cherokee Trailhawk Thursday evening. I told the salesman I only worked part time, and have limited income, (part time PSW, child tax etc)but they said if I had 500 down they could make something work. I paid 250 so far, they want the other 250 at delivery. My income ranges from 2500-3200 a month and I pay 1500 in rent.

They also are trading my old car (2009 cube) for a 100 (I wouldn’t have anywhere to park it while I wait for it to sell). They found a lender to approve me at 15.9% (Eden park inc) 339/bi weekly for 84 months. Insurance would be going from 137/month currently to 220 a month. They added gap insurance, extended warranty which took the price from 24,999 to 35,000. They ran their high pressure sales tactic on me although I was hesitating and asked to back out prior to signing, but I ended up signing the sales final contract, as they rushed me to choose a car, sign papers within 3-15 mins on each stage which obviously is not enough time to read all the fine print and I was signing digitally with automated initials/signature. I wasn’t able to access/review the contract online again after signing until Saturday morning , and that’s when I saw that they lied about my income, (income is a bit more than 2x what I get monthly) and even what I pay in rent.

I thought they used my real income to sign (I’m new to financing so I didn’t know how hard it can be to obtain) so I thought I would maybe need a co signer with a 630 score and 2 maxed out credit cards but I was not anticipating this.

The salesperson refuses to withdraw/cancel the sale as they’ve spent thousands shipping and prepping the vehicle, and reminded me I signed a legally binding contract. I feel horrible for wasting their time so I did inquire about getting a more affordable option with them which unfortunately doesn’t really exist.I called the lender and told them about the discrepancy in the income and they told me to tell the dealership and update my application through there. At this point I know I deserve this for allowing myself to be pressured/ not reading the contract in its entirety but I’m posting just to see if there’s any options, any way this could work.