Buying VT every month in RRSP
I buy VT in my RRSP at Questrade because of withholding tax advantages and I simply think VT is a very good option (no home bias compared to XEQT). I typically do so in lump sums once or twice a year with cash I’ve built up, and use Norbit’s Gambit.
Rather than letting cash sit around and build up, I want to base my finances on what I earn monthly. I would like all my finance needs to be dispersed from my paycheque to the various necessary avenues every month, including RRSP.
Now, doing Norbit’s Gambit every single month is tedious, and the fees are relatively higher by processing smaller amounts, but the issue I mainly have is the time and it’s not as hands free as a CAD ETF being bought automatically after my paycheque lands.
So, do you have a way of buying VT every month?
Or, perhaps, should I buy XEQT with my paycheque and every 6 or 12 months, I transfer the balance I have in XEQT to Questrade, do Norbit’s Gambit, and then buy VT?
Is there a strategy that already exists for this?