Looking unhealthy at my “healthy weight”
I’m 5’3, the CDC says that a “healthy weight” for me is 112-136lbs. I am currently 135, bordering being what’s considered overweight. That’s a 23.3 bmi. Anything below this I will look sick. I know I shouldn’t be obsessing over numbers, but that’s a different story.
This pisses me off, I feel like I will still be considered unhealthy because I border that line. I just don’t understand how I look sick at what the CDC wants me to weigh? It for sure has to do with what I’m eating in particular (being a lack of protein mainly.) Another 10 pounds would concern my loved ones.
Genetically, my ethnicity is larger and since obesity runs in my family, I have to make a conscious effort to not let myself become overweight. I pack on food like I am about to survive war and famine.
Advice is fine if you want but I’m not looking for a solution today