Struggling with pet costs.
Struggling to feed my dog.
I’m 19 and my mum passed in October. I have autism and I now have to care for a large dog that I love! But it’s really hard buying food for me and her. I often go without eating so that the dog doesn’t go hungry. I’ve even gone without gas and paying important bills to pay a vet bill when she had a bad skin reaction. She needs special medicated shampoo that costs a fortune. You can only use pdsa in an emergency. She’s a pitbull and I’m reluctant to re home her because I know people get them for dog fighting and stuff. And also I love her so much. She’s the last link I have to my mum who adored her. Im constantly stressed out trying to buy dog food from one week to the next I’m in the UK where can I go to get free pet food or resources? TIA