very weird occurance
Hey y'all, this post is gonna be about vertical labrets on the top lip, I don't THINK it's an issue but it's very weird and I'd like to know what's happening 😂
I recently got my two vertical labrets on my top lip, and they've been mostly fine, there was a slight infected period which has since cleared up, they aren't fully healed yet however
So about, three or four times, it's felt like something has been stuck in the exit hole (the part coming out my actual lip) and every time a like, small ball of fat has come out? I say that loosely because it's not what it looks like (more white than the yellow of fat) but it's not liquidy atall, and it has the consistency of I wanna say flesh like, it's squishy but you can't break it or smush it apart, I guess like small white jelly balls 😂 I wish I'd taken a picture but I've got a fair amount of piercings, I've experienced lymph fluid and pus etc but never something like this, also after it was pierced some Fordyce spots appeared on my lip (that I do have a photo of 😂) so I'm wondering if it were somehow pierced in a bad place or if my body is just reacting weirdly, any input would be awesome