Seeking feedback on budget Jeskai Lutri list

Hello. I have been thinking about getting a Pioneer deck for a while now, and a Lutri deck seems like an interesting way to approach the format. I have created a budget list as a possible entry point, with the option to replace the low-budget mana-base with shock and channel lands if I end up using the deck a lot. I am wondering if this deck seems viable in Pioneer and, if so, what improvements I could make to it. Thank you for your time.


Card choice explanations:

Creatures (4):

1 Bonecrusher Giant // Stomp: Removal that doubles as a creature in the mid to late game.

1 Kutzil's Flanker: Low-cost creature with Flash that can either provide scrying & life gain or graveyard hate.

1 Nimble Obstructionist: Activated/triggered ability counter & cantrip that can also be cast as a creature with Flash.

1 Realm-Cloaked Giant // Cast Off: Board wipe that doubles as a creature in the late game.

Sorceries (4):

1 Burn Down the House: Flexible board wipe spell that can instead produce creatures if needed.

1 Doomskar: Can serve as a 3-mana Day of Judgement, given the right set-up.

1 Slaughter the Strong: Mostly in the mainboard for the Rakdos Vampires and Mono-Green Devotion match-ups, but also a decent board wipe overall.

1 Strangle: Low-cost and flexible removal spell.

Instants (25):

1 Blessed Alliance: Mostly meant to deal with Vein Ripper, but can also gain life or untap creatures if needed.

1 Brutal Expulsion: Flexible counterspell/removal that has the bonus of exiling any creature dealt lethal damage by it.

1 Cathartic Pyre: Can serve as either removal or card filtering.

1 Censor: A counterspell that can also be cycled as a cantrip.

1 Change the Equation: Versatile counterspell that can deal with low-cost spells of any color and high-cost RG spells.

1 Confounding Riddle: Modal counterspell/card selection.

1 Consider: Cantrip.

1 Deduce: Card draw.

1 Final Showdown: Board wipe that can also serve as creature protection and a way to buy a turn versus Amalia Combo.

1 Flame-Blessed Bolt: Low-cost removal.

1 Izzet Charm: Counterspell/removal/card filtering.

1 Lighting Helix: Removal and life gain.

1 No More Lies: Efficient low-cost counterspell.

1 Ojutai's Command: Counterspell and card draw, can also gain life if needed.

1 Opt: Cantrip.

1 Phantom Interference: Flexible counterspell that can also create a creature if needed.

1 Prismari Command: Card filtering, removal, and artifact hate.

1 Reject: Counterspell that exiles its target.

1 Revitalize: Lifegain and card draw.

1 Scorching Dragonfire: Removal that exiles its target.

1 Settle the Wreckage: Instant-speed board wipe.

1 Spell Pierce: Low-cost counterspell.

1 Supreme Will: Modal counterspell/card selection.

1 Three Steps Ahead: Counterspell/card draw that can also create a token copy of a creature you control.

1 Torch the Tower: Low-cost removal.

Enchantments (5):

1 Felidar Retreat: Win-con that minimizes dead draws in the late game.

1 Seal Away: Exile-based removal.

1 Shark Typhoon: Win-con and card draw.

1 Sphinx's Tutelage: Win-con that can also serve as card filtering.

1 Teferi's Tutelage: Win-con that can also serve as card filtering.

Lands (22):

The 4 Restless Anchorages are meant to serve as win-cons in longer matches. The rest of the mana base is basic lands and budget fixing.

Sideboard (15):

1 Anger of the Gods: Sweeper vs. decks that try to go wide with small creatures. Here mostly for Amalia, but could also be good vs. Phoenix.

1 Chandra, Awakened Inferno: Anti-control tech.

1 Destroy Evil: Flexible creature/enchantment removal, here mostly for Rakdos Vampires (Fable) and Mono-Green Devotion.

1 Into the Fire: Small-creature sweeper or card selection.

1 Krenko's Buzzcrusher: Anti-Lotus Field.

1 Lithomantic Barrage: Anti-control tech.

1 Lutri, the Spellchaser: Companion. :)

1 Mystical Dispute: Good vs. blue decks.

1 Pearl Lake Ancient: Anti-control tech.

1 Pithing Needle: Shuts off Sorin in Rakdos Vampires.

1 Roiling Vortex: Anti-Amalia tech.

1 Stormbreath Dragon: Anti-control tech.

1 Tale's End: Here for Rakdos Vampires and Amalia Combo.

1 The Stone Brain: Here for Creativity, Lotus Field, and any other deck that leans heavily on a specific card (e.g. Indomitable Creativity for Creativity, Emergent Ultimatum for Lotus Field, etc.).