How much time does an account suspension last?
What a bad news to receive this in my email this morning:
Leading viewers to sites with explicit content is prohibited
Dear user,
Thank you for using our service.Your account has been suspended due to violations of the pixiv Service Master Terms of Use.
pixiv Service Master Terms of Use
Article14. Prohibited Conduct
- Posting Posted Information for the purpose of commercial advertising, publicity, or inducement (except in cases specifically permitted by the Company), Posted Information that contains affiliate links, Posted Information that contains inducements to other parties such as MLM or "pay to surf", Posted Information that induces traffic to adult sites, one-click fraud sites, sites intended to distribute viruses or other malicious computer programs, or other sites determined by the Company to be inappropriate (including simply posting links to such sites), or other Posted Information that the Company determines to be inappropriate
Of course Pixiv doesn't tell me what post cause this suspension. But, I assume it's my latest post from Saturday, which is an illustration of character with her nipples covered and a link to my FANBOX to see an exclusive version with uncovered nipples (no genitalia, or anything like that, needless to say everything is ok on FANBOX side)
I made the mistake of putting in my description "Uncensored version on FANBOX" + a link to said FANBOX.
So I completely deleted the word "uncensored" but I let the link (because FANBOX belong to Pixiv and there's no problem here).
I completed the reinstatement request form explaining the misunderstanding and putting an emphasis on taking full responsibility and "sincerely apologize for the trouble caused by my actions". I hope it'll be enough to get my account back.
I just wonder how much time it'll take to get a response? Is it a matter of days? Weeks? Or months? Because from what I saw on reddit it's seems to be very random. Some people get their account back immediately while others are just completely ignored (tho it seems to only be the case for people doing AI, realistic/3DCG and l*li/sh*ta, and I've never done any of that).
EDIT: My suspension has been lifted after 24H. They warned me that any similar violation in future will lead to a permanent ban without notice.
I'm still not completely sure if it really was the mention of the word "uncensored", even if the reason of my suspension was "leading viewers to sites with explicit content". After sending the request form I remembered that some of my posts had a link to my Redbubble where I sell prints of my artworks. In case it fall under the "commercial advertising" rule, I deleted them but without including it in my request form.
Thank you all for your answers!