First tank, looking for some tips on cycling

Hiya, put together my first tank over the weekend. 33 litres with some tropica aquasoil under sand. Pretty happy with how it came out but I'm wondering how long I should wait before adding any shrimp/snails/fish. Not really in a rush to add fish but I would like something that would start to eat any algae as and when it arrives.

I'm doing daily tests and ammonia and nitrate have been sat at 0 consistently for a few days so I am concerned that the nitrogen cycle isn't occuring due to lack of inputs. Obviously there is plant matter there but I can't see any melt (yet). Ph is 6.5, 3dKH, 60dGH. I haven't changed the water since flooding the tank

What is the best next step? Wait for a week and see how the numbers change? Add controlled amount of ammonia and test again (if so, what is a good source in the UK)? Add bottled bacteria to ensure a good amount of colonisation?

Plants are: * Monte carlo * Staurogyne repens * Anubias * Lilaeopsis * Bucephelandria * Helanthium * Ludwigia * Cryptocoryne * Java fern * Bacopa

Also have some spiky moss and red root floaters that need to go in if and when I do a water change. I also have a heater that will go in once I start adding livestock.

Any other feedback and tips welcome!