Get rid of algae in shrimp jar

How do I get rid of algae in my shrimp jar?

Setup: 1.5 gallon jar, 10 watt 4000k plant grow light 6 hours a day, some ambient lighting as well through the day, Aqua soil, Sponge filter, no co2

Livestock: 5 red cherry shrimp, handful of copepods (increasing by the day)

Plants: ludwigia sp red, water sprite, Anubias nana, bucephalandra, alternanthera reineckii mini, cryptocoryne parva

Care: water top-ups (no water change), biweekly dosing of seachem excel

Parameters: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0-5 nitrates, 1KH, 6GH

I was thinking of using an algaecide but decided against it as the shrimp do seem to feed on the algae though it spreads way faster than the shrimp can eat.

Have already reduced light duration and not sure how much further I can reduce it without the plants suffering. I'm a beginner so please be nice, any solutions would be appreciated :)