Seeking appropriate inhabitants for my tank

Hey all! I have an 8 gallon heavily planted cube, pictured here. I currently have five Blue Jelly Shrimp and a handful of Ramshorn snails.

I’m interested in a focus fish or some kind of small schooling fish but I’m not sure what choices would be appropriate. I was considering a betta, but I am concerned about predation, and I do keep my flow somewhat higher. I was also considering ember tetras but don’t know if the tank space is too small?

I’d love alternate suggestions and any discussion on betta vs ember tetras.

I intend to add to the blue jelly population and encourage its growth.

Tank specs: 8 gallon heavily planted Oase thermo 100(30 gallon capacity) 73 degrees Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all 0. Gh and kh are quite high TDS 430