Fat transfer to breasts - 6 week update
Posting as I had my 6 week post op appointment earlier today and based on what he said I thought it'd be a good time for an update. (3rd image is 1 week PO before they dropped and the 4th is the injection scar under my breast)
According to the surgeon, I can resume all normal activities now such as working out, sleeping on my front etc and ditch the garments as all the fat has found a blood supply by the 6 week mark. He added 500ML to each boob which from what I've read can be risky as it's harder for that amount of fat to settle but according to the surgeon, most of it seems to have stayed and accounting for swelling, they don't actually feel too different. I did make quite a few lifestyle changes in an attempt to give them the best chance but idk how much that contributed.
I'm super happy with the results! My boobs are still small (but way fuller) as I only estimate a 1 to 1.5 cup size increase but I think the size fits my frame well. I mainly wanted a more proportionate body which I now have. It's so subtle that Mum and sister haven't noticed at all (they glanced a few times but I think they just assumed I had a new bra). My braless boobs essentially now look a bit bigger than they used to in a padded push up bra. More importantly than size for me was positioning. My surgeon managed to bring my breasts closer together and where I used to be able to fit my whole palm between them it's now a a finger and a half meaning an amazing cleavage which I've never had before.
The only possible thing I could nitpick is that my nipples now sit lower due to upper pole fullness I didn't have before but it's not a huge deal. There is also slight asymmetry. According to the surgeon that breast was slightly bigger to begin with (although I don't really see it personally) but he thinks that it's also likely due to a little bit of swelling left in the right breast so they should even out. Even if they don't I'd still be fine tbh.
My lipo scars are healing really well (especially considering my skin tone) and I'm happy with them but applying scar gel everyday to try and speed up the process. As for my lipo sites - my flanks and inner thighs, recovery was a hot mess as I didn't go for lymphatic drainage massages soon enough so the fluid build up felt like it was literally weighing me down. As soon as I started getting them, things improved rapidly and I'm apparently doing really well for 6 weeks. The sites are relatively smooth to the eye but I do have some scar tissue buildup which I do additional daily self-massages to break down. I also can't see any difference to my silhouette which was confusing but according to my surgeon the areas are still swollen. I'll have to see if I eventually get the change I was expecting when I was told 1.2L of fat had been taken.
I know I scoured every single fat transfer post and update multiple times before my surgery so hope this helps someone!