Emotional BA Follow Up

I had my 6 month breast augmentation follow up today. I have 350cc high profile implants under the muscle. I chose high profile with the help of a nurse because my chest wall is narrow. And that's what I needed to get the volume I wanted. I was previously about a 30D or 32C when last measured. I've gained weight since then and now usually fill out a DD cup depending on the brand.

So far I feel happy with the results. But was very disappointed to hear that they won't change shape or soften anymore after this point. I feel like they look too round from the side. I'm going to wait 3 months to see how I feel/if they soften any more. But my options are to keep as is, downsize and go lower profile (not sure how much smaller), or explant completely. I already feel like they're smaller than I wanted but definitely an improvement. The nurse tried to reassure me by telling me they look really natural and are the results most patients would love to have. Any advice, encouragement, support welcome. But please be gentle bc I'm still pretty emotional.

TL,DR: 6 month follow up a bit disappointing. Breasts feel a little too round from the side and my doctor doesn't think the shape will change much more. 350CC high profile under the muscle. Went from small C/D cup to a D/DD cup. Unsure what to do moving forward.

Edit: Also for reference I'm 5'4" and about 138 lbs but don't really hold any weight in my upper half. Some in my stomach and mostly butt/thighs. Basically a pear shape.