New Patch 1.2.0b

From their Discord Channel:

Patch Notes

  • All Mythic Hunts will now drop an additional item and guarantee an accessory drop
  • The bonus chest in the Malefic Maw hunt will now always contain a random weapon as was always intended
  • Fixed a bug where a golden chest spit out by Malefic Maw could spawn underground
  • Fixed the issue where the game freezes using the Turned Tables mutator
  • Clients critical damage numbers now show up in the corresponding crit color (not just white all the time)
  • The 3rd potion slot will no longer disappear after traveling
  • Fixed an issue with Starcrossed Lover Echo failing to come off of cooldown
  • Players can now complete 'Slime Sabotage' event inside mines expedition 100% of the time
  • Fixed screen blur issue that occurred when three Lora characters used their 'Unleash' ultimate abilities
  • Fixed glitch gloom VFX getting stuck on player after traveling
  • Fixed multiple issues relating to hardcore UI and localization


Resolved an issue that was causing Xbox to crash frequently and fixed various issues with achievements not unlocking