Drain/Sewage Pipe Getting Blocked By Nothing?
Hi there I live in a small house and we've recently started having this problem where the drainage pipe gets blocked, our toilet, sink and shower in the bathroom fills up with water..
My partner has to go out into the front garden and pull up the square manhole cover to access the drain pipes coming from our house and he has to take a large, metal stick and shove it up the pipe leading from our bathroom and bash the stick about until it unblocks and all the water drains out...
We have to do this almost once every two days.
We even stopped putting toilet roll down the toilet and didn't flush anything down the toilet except poop and pee and we didn't use the shower or sink in the bathroom for a whole week and it was still blocking and filling up.
I believe the waste from upstairs tenant comes through our pipes and also the water from the hairdressers was coming up in our shower too as when the shower was filling it filled with hot soapy water that had hair dye in the water.
Everytime my partner bashes the stick up the bathroom pipe, it does release something allowing the water to finally escape but there never seems to be anything actually blocking it up, we never see big lumps of toilet roll, in fact we barely see any toilet roll in the water that gets blocked, just a LOT of poop...
We just can't figure out what or why it's happening and why we have to keep doing this to unblock our water flow..
The other drainage pipes drain just fine like the pipes coming from the kitchen..
Our toilet does struggle with flushing number twos down and gets blocked from number twos but surely that can't be what's blocking it?
We've lived here nearly 3 years and only started having this problem since summer this year and we keep unblocking it and the water flows just fine but then it blocks again..
Any ideas or advice?