Make your own adapter for Kodak instant cameras

It’s been quite some time since I did an update on the adapter which lets you use Instax Square film in vintage Kodak instant cameras. I used to sell these, but late last year I decided to stop making them. Therefore I have decided to release the files so you can tinker with this yourself.

This is for two reasons, first is that the Kodak instant cameras break down, the plastic gears which are made of a softer plastic just break, as soon as something ejects the teeth of the gears just turn to dust. This is an unfortunate thing, but it’s the truth. The good thing is that the gears can be 3D printed and the camera disassembled. The second reason is that I don’t have enough time to make them anymore. I have other new projects which I would like to continue with.

That’s not to say that I have abandoned the idea completely, I will try to give support necessary in case you get stuck.