If the President issues multiple executive orders found to be unconstitutional by the courts, even requiring them to be obeyed, could he be impeached for violating his oath to uphold it?

Whether the idea of his impeachment scares, angers, elates or relieves you, would this be possible?

I do realize Congress would have to actually take the action. I know how unlikely that looks. It falls on them to take the action, no question, but if they did a thorough inquiry, is he putting himself at risk here?

There has been discussion about the constitutionality of several orders and I’m not actually trying to debate whether they’re constitutional, although I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened in the comments.

Would this be grounds for impeachment?

Edit: To those that said this is reason to just vote in two years: how about making our voices heard now? Getting petitions together, calling our reps? Did we just stop doing that? What if the other side is doing it?

Edit 2. I actually think blatant Constitutional violations obvious to everyone, piling up, could be the Republican red line, even for Trump-supporting citizens.