Considering moving with family to Portland due to job opportunity, care to talk me into it? Out of it?
Job would be downtown. Currently living in Oklahoma and wanting to get away from tornadoes and the heat. I have two elementary age children. My job search has led me to an opportunity in Portland. It wasn’t on my original list but other cities haven’t pan out. My priorities are my children and so I’d want to move to an area that has good schools. From reading this sub it seems like Portland proper doesn’t but maybe surrounding areas? I’m definitely interested in nature and outdoor activities so I had been considering the PNW as well as some other CA cities. Anyway, figured I’d ask here. Read thru lots of posts that make the city seem like it’s turning into a Mad Max-Portlandia wasteland but when I read thru my city’s and state’s sub it sorta feels the same, so idk.
Transportation questions: How’s driving in Portland? It seems like there’s lots of public transportation, mostly good from the suburbs in? Is biking pretty normal as means of commuting?
Education and healthcare questions: I have a special needs child, any insight about those particular services from the state? Any places to stay away from? Is Portland healthcare services suffering from the same shortage that every city is suffering from? We’ll need a couple of specialists regularly so I’ll have to do some more research.
Culture: From just looking at the map, it seems like Portland is pretty isolated, is that a fair thought? How has recovery been since Covid and BLM protests? Our state govt acted like covid wasn’t a thing and are mostly proud that that they don’t give af about people, specifically black and brown people.
Sorry if this is a lot. TIA
TLDR; Portland, yay or nay?
Edit 1: Wow, so many responses, it’ll take a while to absorb all the information but thanks for all the responses and advice. Much appreciated! Lots to digest. Just to get into the right mindset, I started watching Portlandia again, LOL.
Also to add to a couple that asked some questions, I haven’t done much research into housing options just yet, this is still preliminary but if anything we’d be looking at renting/mortgage payments in the $2500-$3500 as what we can afford. Hopefully I get a really good offer and it’s higher but that’s still to be seen. THANKS AGAIN!!