STM and hit with PPD again.
STM mom here with a 6 week old and a 2 year old. I was on the fence about having a second after having a difficult first born who I love with all my heart. She was colicky in the beginning and I fell badly into PPD because of it.
Unfortunately my second born also has colic. Except this time it’s a night. My first was during day. Idk what is worse. At night you’re stuck- just you and your partner. Our daughter cries and is plagued with painful gas from the early evening and on. I tend to break around midnight and make my husband step in while I go cry in the car. I won’t get into how much we have tried in order to improve this. Numerous doctor visits, lactation consultant, formula, breast milk, bottles, nursing.. following wake windows, not letting naps go super long, offering full feeds, etc. Not to mention tons of Mylicon and gripe water. If someone tells me to try gas drops again I am going to scream.
Things are so bad now I’ve almost given up tracking anything now. I feel helpless. As a last ditch effort I am taking her to a pediatric chiropractor and also set up a consult to get her posterior tongue tie and lip tie released. It’s a lot of $$ but I am desperate for her to start sleeping at night and tired of seeing her in pain with the gas and digestive issues.
I can’t believe I have put myself through this again. We had enough on our plate with our first born. I am total anxiety ridden right now and have an appt next week for my 6 week follow up. I will be requesting an adjustment to my 100mg of Zoloft I take now.