How is the living in Czechia rn?


I am a Czech citizen living in a different country (and continent) with a fiance who is local. In the span of the next few years, we would like to move to Czechia (probably the outskirts of Prague or the Central Bohemian region).

I haven't lived in Czechia for many years and I know a lot has changed. Not to mention that I am not a foreigner, so many issues are distant to me. If you are a foreigner living and working in Czechia, how would you evaluate your life there right now? Are you experiencing many difficulties? Rre the people friendly to you? How do you view the economic situation in Czechia?

You see, I am very much ready to go back home, but I don't want to bring my fiance to a place where life would be more difficult than it is now in the country we live in. So I will be very grateful for any input!

EDIT: I live in South Korea. EDIT II: Sometimes I forget people older than me perceive “many years” as much more years than me. So when I say “many”, I mean 5. Sorry to mystify y’all!