Positive post-LEEP sex experiences?

I am scheduled for a LEEP procedure next month and extremely hesitant to get it as I'm seeing so many terrible experiences on Reddit.

My pap from last year showed HSIL but no HPV (no history of ever having HPV). Last month my pap showed no abnormalities, but my doctor still classifies me as having cervical dysplasia and wants me to do the LEEP. I asked why she doesn't recommend I do colposcopy first and she said it's because last years HSIL results were very concerning. I'm extremely hesitant to proceed.

Does anyone have any positive experiences with the surgery and very importantly, with normal sex life after? I know there's a 1-2 months period of waiting after, but I'm seeing a lot of posts that talk about eventual post-op sex being painful or there being discharge/bleeding/lack of arousal etc. Please someone tell me that they didn't experience any of that!! Very nervous and any positive feedback would be much appreciated.