this game is awful for new players
greetings travelers. I am in fact a new player and let me tell you, THIS GAME HUMBLES THE HELL OUT OF YOU! I just feel like the little brother getting his ass beat by his older sibling, except everybody is your older sibling. I've tried every roll (except support) and have gotten dogged on every game. I haven't experienced any toxicity or anything, just general ass whooping. and the problem is I don't know what I'm doing wrong or what I should be doing. the game doesn't tell you what you should do and there aren't that many guides that tell you more than what "this is what a tower is" or "offlane is a solo lane" and it's just mad frustrating. especially in mid and late game, I have zero idea when it is or isn't a good time to rotate if I play offlane. (I play grux offlane if you were wondering) or if I'm playing jungle I don't know how much my farm to gank ratio should be. (I main rampage if you were wondering) I came here to see if there were any other new players, and if they have or have had the same experience. or a more seasoned player who has any tips on how to improve and help me know how to know what I'm doing wrong. thank you in advance if you see this.