Gold tier ranked is miserable
Gold ranked play is absolutely miserable. I absolutely hate blaming the teammates. But this is ridiculous. The skill gap in the tier makes the teams incredibly unbalanced. My general experience is your either going to stomp, or get stomped on.
Lots of people are taking carrys into offlane. Jungles into midlane. Ffs I even seen someone play decker in the midlane. They feed 8/10 times. Destroying your teams junglers chance of controlling the map.
Carrys constantly overextend or just stright up have no map awareness. As a matter of fact map awareness is rare in their tier. Another infuriating thing.
When I play this game I typically have all for one and one for all mentality. Which I'm getting punished for in this tier.
It's simply to easy to get into gold, and to challenging to get out. Silver is a breeze, and gold traps good players in with the bad. Nothing is more enraging then going on a 5 game losing steak because you keep getting terrible teammates.
Before you all tell me to get better. Their is a point inwhich no matter the skill (not saying im him 🤣) no single ringer can make a diffrence. When midlane is 3 levels behind and fey or countess is eating the outlanes... its game over. When your midlane wont leave their tower out of fear. Its game over. When your carry is 5 kills behind.... good luck.
I typically get or assit with more then 1.5x my deaths. I'm not a net drag on the team.