Doctors saying two different things.

So my MFM and high risk OB that helped me through my D&E (22w5d) said that I was safe to TTC starting in 3-6 months (3 cycles) after procedure if we felt emotionally ready. Perfect, I’ve started a regime of vitamins for egg quality and to help strengthen my uterus. My goal is being healthy right now.

Flash forward to my 6 week fallow up with my regular obgyn (who sent me to the MFM). He freaks out on me saying don’t get pregnant or he will send me to a MFM and they will give me stitch or band because he doesn’t want me to have an incompetent cervix. He did no sort of check up, he just berated me about birth control and not getting pregnant. Didn’t even say as much as sorry for your loss. All OBGYNs in my area send us 3 hours away if a pregnancy is anything but normal.

I have no history of IC or cervix issues. But now this has my anxiety level through the roof. Has anyone had cervix issues after a d&e? I don’t expect to conceive our first 6 months of TTC but now this has me terrified and I feel like my obgyn was trying to scare me out of ttc.