So stressed :( I have no symptoms
TW: MMC in pregnancy after TFMR Hi, I just had a realization of who would understand me... and I remembered this group (I'm so sorry that you're going through/have gone through this too)...
I'm supposed to be 12w2d now and had a heartbeat detected at 7w2d. I have basically no symptoms at all since 9w-ish... it reminds me so much of my MMC where I had no symptoms at all and then found out our baby had already died at a scan at 10w...
Now I'm so anxious about this and about finding an issue with this baby at our next scan which is on Thursday... I'm fully having flashbacks of the day of our daughters death and have completely isolated myself, no one knows about this pregnancy besides my husband... I just have this deep feeling that something is wrong again and it's making me so stressed. Has anyone felt this way and went on to have a healthy baby? I just feel so traumatized and this 3rd pregnancy is bringing it all up to the surface. I have no living children and almost no support