Preppy Queen Spencer Hastings
I know the Ralph Lauren sales team were shaking in their BOOTS when she walked into the store
Her short lived Hilary Clinton era will never be forgotten! Interning for the mayor, renovating the barn, cosplaying as a 30 yr old politician- that’s our queen! Even Hanna was gagged that Spencer even had the time to shop for herself
Hope breeds what??? An iconic look iktr. The outfit where Spencer uttered her immortal quote. Sidenote, I’d never heard anyone else say it so idk what she means when she says “you know what they say,” but I was 12 and I knew it was a serve nonetheless
Idk what I’m looking at, but I know it looks good. Fresh from stealing Melissa’s paper and- from the looks of it- a vintage flea market, she wasn’t about to look bad
Our first fuckass hat moment from Spencer. The colors, the lace- she looks like an American girl doll come to life
Is she going to school? Is she going back to the country club to hook up with her then man? Who knows! This photo is in the dictionary right next to the word “preppy.”
Old Hollywood DIVA. The hair, the heart shape neckline, the pearls- oh I know that look cost Veronica and Peter a pretty penny.
Fresh from the Anthropologie runway and the Tumblr dashboard, she looks so darling. Who is Spencer Hastings without an animal print?? She knows she had to look good exposing Paige to the coach.
MINIMALIST OLD MONEY DIVA. This look gets pulled so many times as one of the show’s best looks and for a reason. It’s so simple, so elegant- it’s perfect. And the little Katniss Everdeen braid as she’s about to enter the arena (Toby and Jenna’s house) is so real.
Now this is just good. A navy military jacket with white piping and gold buttons, the little stripe button down and lace cami underneath, the tweed skirt- it’s amazing how she still finds time to serve a look while being terrorized everyday
Idk why but she’s lowkey giving 2010s Disney Channel original movie character here but it WORKS. She just watched a short film herself the night before (the Alison “i know you wanna kiss me” ass little video directed by known crusty Ian)
Aria invented Iceland, Spencer invited France and the French language! She just found out the boy she’s tutoring is the love of her life and she’s ready to teach all she knows. And she’s in another fuckass hat, how can I complain???