does HHMI have any credibility, after canceling Inclusive Excellence grants?
Background for those unaware. HHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) recently pulled 2 billion dollars of funding for the 3rd round of it's Inclusive Excellence grant (IE3).
IE3 was the third iteration of their Inclusive excellence grant. It funded initiatives by biology departments to increase graduation rates of student populations who have statistically lower than average enrollment and graduation rates.
Colleges were promised 6 years of funding to pay for the revamping of their curriculum, training of faculty and staff, and assessment of outcomes. The grants were awarded in 2021, so these colleges were in year 3 of a 6 year grant, when they had the rug pulled out from under them.
HHMI is not a government agency, and they do not receive government funds. they are funded by investments and donations. There was no law or executive order forcing them to do this. This was their choice, and theirs alone.
Am I the only one who thinks this will permanently tarnish the reputation of HHMI?